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TTArtisan Authorized Dealer

TTArtisan 35mm F0.95 大口径マニュアルフォーカス APS-C レンズ

TTArtisan 35mm F0.95 大口径マニュアルフォーカス APS-C レンズ

通常価格 $199.00
通常価格 $199.00 セール価格 $199.00
セール 売り切れ
税込。 配送料はチェックアウト時に計算されます。



TTArtisan の 35mm f/0.95 レンズは、洗練されたレトロなデザインで、APS-C フォーマットのカメラ用の超高速標準長さのプライムレンズです。日常使用に適した頑丈なウォークアラウンドレンズであるこの FUJIFILM X マウントレンズは、風景、都市の風景、ポートレート、ストリートシーンなどに最適です。非常に明るい f/0.95 の最大絞りにより、被写界深度をうまく制御でき、レンズの 10 枚羽根絞りと組み合わせることで、必要に応じて美しいボケ味が得られます。

  • Eye of Night - 低照度でも完璧: 低照度の環境では、ISO を上げてシャッター速度を遅くすることで画質を犠牲にして撮影することがよくあります。
  • コンパクトで軽量: 一般的に、絞りが大きいほど、レンズのサイズも大きくなります。TTArtisan の APS-C 35mm f0.95 は、優れた光学設計によりレンズのサイズを非常にうまく制御します。
  • 0.35m クローズアップ撮影: あらゆる細部を捉える最短焦点距離は 0.35m です。
  • クリックされた絞りリング: 高度な構成により、素晴らしい写真撮影体験が実現します。
  • フルメタルボディ: ボディ全体は航空アルミニウムと陽極酸化処理でしっかりと作られています。


    Customer Reviews

    Based on 4 reviews
    Jane Fairchild

    Good manual lens with a very wide open aperture of 0.98. good for absc cameras. But it is only manual focus so make sure you're aware of that before you get it. But the build quality and image quality are really good especially considering the price. If you manage your expectations you won't be disappointed.


    Another quality product from TTartisan. This is now my fastest 35mm lens This image is impressive at such a budget price. Their lenses are very affordable even though this is one of the more expensive focal lengths but at such fast aperture it is a steal and totally worth it.

    James Murphy

    Spoiler alert: camera lenses are expensive. Spoiler alert 2: Fuji camera lenses are *really* expensive. That's why this lens from TT Artisan is so impressive. I'm always a sucker for 'dreamy bokeh' and this lens delivers. It also creates really cool images in low light.The quality for this price point is insane. The entire body is built of anodized aluminum. That means it's extremely durable while being extremely light--as in 'less than a pound' light. The form factor is also reasonably small and that makes it easy to carry around. Even better--at this price point you won't be concerned about the potential financial implications of carrying it around wherever.Aesthetically, the lens is gorgeous. The product description says that when not shooting photos you can 'enjoy it as a work of art.' I thought this was a bit silly until I saw the lens in the flesh...er...in the anodized aluminum. There's no higher level skill than combining form and function in a tool and this lens does that and then some. The design is very intelligent and elegant and the entire setup--including the packaging--has a strong retro vibe. It reminded me of messing around with my dad and grandfather's camera equipment when I was a kid--that's how I became interested in photography to begin with.Great lens at a borderline unbelievable price. At this price point, this is a 'must buy'. Highly recommended!

    Titilayo Obianuju

    The specs sounded good and I already had a TT Artisan 60mm macro lens that was pretty good so I gave this a try. It exceeded my expectations. The dog photo, shot wide open is sharp but very shallow focus. The other two are shot at F5.6. All were shot with a Sony a6000 using focus peaking and focus magnification since this is a completely manual lens. I assigned the AEL button on the back to go to focus mag when that button is tapped twice. Focal length is full frame equivalent to 52.5mm. Close focus is about 12 inches. This is a nice walk-around lens and a decent price.