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TTArtisan Authorized Dealer

TTArtisan 50mm F1.2 大口径マニュアルフォーカス APS-C レンズ

TTArtisan 50mm F1.2 大口径マニュアルフォーカス APS-C レンズ

通常価格 $98.00
通常価格 $98.00 セール価格 $98.00
セール 売り切れ
税込。 配送料はチェックアウト時に計算されます。


TTArtisan APS-C 50mm f1.2はポートレートに特化しており、フルフレーム換算で 75mm で、F1.2 の大口径で、美しいぼかし効果を簡単に得ることができます。被写体を明るく照らします。10 枚の絞り羽根は、絞りが完全に開いたときと絞られたときに 2 つの異なる形状の白斑を生成し、異なる撮影効果をもたらします。


Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Dan Rodemsky
Excellent lens!

I love this lens! The return to everything being manual was intimidating at first but in a few minutes it was fun! The look and feel are perfect. At F 1.2 the depth of field is so small as to be almost useless but stop it down to F 2.0 and it is truly amazing.

Steven Wang
Good budget lens for cheap price.

Bought it for portrait but i've not shot a single portrait picture yet so here's some flowers and bees i shot on my fujifilm x-t100, complete beginner but very happy very the lens, super clean, nice smooth bokeh and vitopal delivered it insanely fast. very happy with the product.

Jocelyn Cruickshank

The lens is very well built and it's heavy (all that lovely glass) . It's a manual focus lens but the focus is smooth and with focus peeking on my Fuji it's spot on. Not a lot more to say, except I'm happy with my purchase and would recommend this lens. There are many decent reviews of this lens on YouTube, go there before you make your mind up.

Rohini Golla

This is a really well made lens, very solid. However, I've aquired the TT Artisan lens hood and jettisoned the screw in lens cap for a conventional clip in.Focusing is problematic however, I had a terrible time with focus peaking (too sensitive) on my Fujifilm XT10. Stick to digital split screen or do it old school. I wear specs and did okay.....eventually. Beware infinity, the marking is off and it focuses in front of the mark..There's a learning curve with this lens, but it does render some nice images. Well worth the money in my view.

Sibilla Esposito

Un obiettivo incredibile soprattutto per qualità prezzo. Un pò troppo morbido ad apertura 1.2 ma già a 1.8-2 si ha un bel rapporto sfocato e nitidezza. Lascio qualche scatto così vi fate delle idee. Obiettivo consigliatissimo, buoni scatti a tutti.