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ZHIYUN Authorized Dealer

ZHIYUN MOLUS G200 COB ビデオライト Bowens マウント カメラライト

ZHIYUN MOLUS G200 COB ビデオライト Bowens マウント カメラライト

通常価格 $319.00
通常価格 $379.00 セール価格 $319.00
セール 売り切れ
税込。 配送料はチェックアウト時に計算されます。



  • 🏆【太陽のように丸くて明るい】洗練された整理されたデザインには、手のひらに収まる COB 光源と細心の注意を払った冷却システムが搭載されています。比類のない快適さと携帯性を備え、あらゆる照明要件に最適なソリューションです。
  • 🏆【違った方法であなたの道を照らす】革新的なデザインは、ライト本体とコントローラーを分離し、コントローラーに便利なロープと2つのインタラクティブボタンとディスプレイ画面のみを装備し、幅広い機能をシンプルかつ迅速に実現します。
  • 🏆【冷却の再定義と 180° の柔軟性】COB ライトとコントローラー用の新しい冷却システム: ヒートシンク、FOC ファン、ZHIYUN の DynaVort 冷却システムを備え、軽量で明るいソリューションを維持しながら、優れた出力と冷却を実現します。180° 調整可能なアームを備えたライト サポートと統合されているため、あらゆる設定に簡単に適応できます。ユニバーサル アンブレラ スロットにより、プロの照明に多様性が加わります。
  • 🏆【シームレスな調光とZY Vegaアプリ】シームレスなCCTとDMI調整をサポートし、5つのプリセットが組み込まれているため、ワンプッシュで簡単に色温度と明るさを調整できます。完璧な照明を実現することが、これほどスムーズでアクセスしやすいことはありません。Bluetooth Meshネットワークをサポートしているため、リモート調光とプリセットの素早い切り替えが可能です。あらゆる映画セットやスタジオでプロフェッショナルな照明を実現するのは、楽で便利です。
  • 🏆【ワンプレスでエクストリーム】ZHIYUN MOLUS G200 は、通常使用時に最大 200W のピーク出力を誇り、ワンプレスの MAX Extreme モードでは最大 300W という驚異的なピーク出力を実現します。
  • 🏆【 1つのライト、3つのムード。 】ライブストリーミング、インタビュー、ポートレート写真、コマーシャル広告、TVC撮影など、あらゆる設定に適した映画制作用のプロフェッショナルな照明効果。 通常モード:スイッチを使用してライトをオンにし、明るさを希望のレベルに調整します。 ライブモード:電源を入れるとすぐに自動的にオンになります。 音楽モード:内蔵マイクが照明を音楽のビートと同期させ、視聴者にダイナミックで没入感のある体験を生み出します。
  • 🏆【照明の創造性を広げる】ZHIYUN が特注したさまざまな Bowens マウント アクセサリやその他の Bowens アクセサリと互換性があります。


Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Jeffrey Thomas

The ad says it all - Bright Like the Sun. This thing is BRIGHT! 200 watts bright. This is probably the brightest light I have, even compared to another 200 watt light I have, and this is a quarter the size. This thing is so small, you can carry a half-dozen of them in a duffle bag (in their carrying cases) with ease.The color temperature range is great, going from 2700K to 6500K, so you get a little into the blue range at the top, which I prefer. For warmer shots, the lower numbers are very nice too.This takes standard Bowens accessories, so you can use it on softboxes, diffusers, etc. with ease, but where this light really shines in the controller. It's not in the light housing itself, but integrated into a cord that gives you a bit of mobility to look at the effect you're having on your subject from the side while adjusting. If that weren't enough, this thing is Bluetooth, so you can adjust it using the Zhiyun app on your phone! That means you can stand anywhere in your studio and see the effects as they change. Fantastic!I've become a huge fan of Zhiyun products recently, having purchased several of their phone gimbals, and this product is a great addition to their lineup. I hope to expand my collection of their gear in the future, as long as they keep up the quality and innovation that is evident in this light! Awesome light!


muy funcional equipo. tal como describe la publicación .

Ivan Moreno

Others may not agree with me, but the cost is totally worth paying for this little 200W box of sunlight (maybe literally!).Nearing the $400 mark, some videographers on a budget may simply not be able to afford such equipment as this one. Yet, I believe it remains relatively accessible and a must-have for any videographers that record weddings and other events. It saves tons of room and remains discreet, something that many guests at any venue may enjoy instead of having a huge light blocking their view (maybe this happens? not sure).It's definitely one of the lightest lights there is for the power. 200W packs a punch.I recommend this light.

Chris Wooley

This is a 200w video light with some nice flexible usage. You can independtly adjust the white balance (2700k-6500k) and the intensity of the light. The brightness is great for both video and still work. It's my favorite intensity for a video light you can use large modifiers with them, as needed.The clever aspect, and what I apprecite most, is that slim profile of this light. It is crazy small, which means that you can place it in very unique spaces that other lights won't fit. Need a small hair light? This will actually fit in a space with low ceilings. Need a moving light? Stick this on a boom/pole and your operator doesn't have to have all the extra weight on the end of it. This is HUGE as most light include the power supply in the light iteself, which adds weight, size, and noise.The power unit also serves as the control unit. So you can have your light mounted high and then use the control at a more comfortable level. I also like the build of the control, as it doesn't feel like a bit blocky extra piece to navigate (like some bricks do). This one feels elegant and is designed nicely. The screen is a bit small and hard to read from a distrance, but it's not a deal breaker. I like that it includes a little loop for easily connecting it to your light stand. Every light manufacturer should do this ASAP!It's a really useful light.I do wish it had some power flexiblity - especially with it's size. Being able to power it with a D-tap, V-mount, NP battery - or somethign similar would incrase the flexiblity of this unitl 10x. You can still plug it into Lithimum power packs (Paul Buff's Vagabond Mini works well) for portability.Great light.I do with

Pete Nieves

I really like this light kit. The unique design of having the controller separate from the light allows me to use it in more ways than some other lights. The light head doesn't take much space so I can hide it if necessary. The controls on the controller are easy to use and work very smoothly. Adjusting color temperature and light intensity is super easy. The fan pretty quiet when using the fan up to 200 watts. At 300 watts It has an audible fan sound along with a little of a higher pitched tone that may be an issue if you are doing interviews. But since it fairly constant I should be able to eliminate that in post editing.The case is fairly good quality and holds everything securely with velcro straps. It would be nice if it did have V mount batteries as an option, but otherwise this is a great and unique option that I will use often for video and photography production work.