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ZHIYUN Authorized Dealer

ZHIYUN MOLUS X100 100W バイカラー LED ビデオライト

ZHIYUN MOLUS X100 100W バイカラー LED ビデオライト

通常価格 $199.00
通常価格 $249.00 セール価格 $199.00
セール 売り切れ
税込。 配送料はチェックアウト時に計算されます。


100-66倍 MOLUS X100 は、COB ライトに関するあなたの知識を覆す準備ができています。革新的な冷却技術のおかげで、コンパクトなボディはプロフェッショナルなパワー出力を可能にし、これまでで最もシンプルで効率的な体験を提供します。

重さはわずか 13.6 オンスの X100 は、煩わしい負担をかけずにまったく新しい照明体験をもたらします。
X100 は、過熱を防ぐために、ジャイロスコープ モデリング ヒートシンクと FOC ファンで構成される DynaVort 冷却システムを採用しています。DynaVort テクノロジーは、流体力学と姿勢制御アルゴリズムに基づいており、気流排出をインテリジェントに制御することで冷却効率を大幅に向上させます。
適応型統合電源システムは、2 つの充電ソリューションを提供します。付属の DC 電源アダプターまたはオプションのバッテリーのいずれかを使用してライトに電力を供給できます。
CRI 95、TLCI 97 のライトは正確な色を再現します。
Zhiyun は、より軽量で小型でありながら明るい機器を使用して、場所の制限を克服しながら最新の照明効果をもたらす独自のプロフェッショナルなライブ ストリーム スタジオの構築を支援します。
複雑なセットアップや人員不足を心配する必要はもうありません。G60 はアプリ経由で Bluetooth メッシュ制御をサポートしており、ワイヤレスの可能性を探求できます。
ZY マウントは、Bowens マウントと互換性のある専用モディファイア用に設計されており、より微調整された効果に対するニーズを満たします。
ライブ モードでは、複数のライトを一度にオンにすることができ、1 人の作業員による迅速な照明設定の要求を満たします。


  • 動作電圧: DC 24V、PD≥9V
  • 動作温度: -10°-40°
  • 最大出力: 100W
  • 冷却方式: アクティブ冷却
  • CRI: ≥ 95
  • TLCI: ≥ 97
  • 調光範囲: 0~100%
  • 照度(4300K/100% BRT/1m)
  • 製品サイズ: 144.5 x 94 x 36.1mm
  • 新しい重量: 385g
  • CCT範囲: 2700K-6500K
  • PD入力電力: ≥ 18W


Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews

Love the portability of the light. It packs a punch for those interested in a minimal workflow.

TJ Fox

The molus X100 pro kit is hands down my most favorite pocket sized light and most versatile. It is light enough to mount onto anything with a super clamp or via it 1/4 20 screw mount location. The battery pack does make it a lot more versatile outside of a studio or home location. I have used this light in many different scenarios, from lighting a set for a friends YouTube video to lighting an on location portrait session. In all of these scenarios I’ve never had to go to 100% power. At max power, the battery life is not the best. So if I need to compensate, I’ll do so with a 1.2 or 1.4 aperture lens or just crank my ISO slightly.This kit comes with more than just a battery and the light, it also comes with a power source when using power is possible. It also comes with a softbox with the slim ZY mount and a bowens to ZY mount adapter. When I lit my friends video with this light, I used a 40” softbox with the Bowens mount adapters and it worked like a charm. These extra accessories makes all the difference when it comes to the versatility of this amazing little light.This light is small enough to fit in any bag and is significantly lighter than most full sized 60-100w bowens mount lights. It will be one of my favorite lights until Zhiyun comes out with the next best thing and even then it will still find its way into my bag.

Ryan Berardelli

Zhiyun has been on a trail of innovation with their latest light products, and this might be one of their best. The Molus X100 is a tiny 100w light, with a battery pack, and the ability to be powered from USB-C.This light is incredibly small, coming in smaller than my old 60W lights, but of course, a bit bigger than the G60 lights. I've got a couple of the G60 lights, and if you're in the market for more light power, this is an awesome upgrade. The X100 provides a detachable battery, that is able to power the light for a decent amount of time, depending on how bright it is. I've used it a few times to film for multiple hours, at around 30%. If you've got it at a higher brightness, it will last for less time, but I've been able to get by for most of my shoots on one single battery charge. IF you do run out of power, you can always plug in with the included power brick. The power brick is kind of big, like the one for the G60, but it's really not that bad considering you can velcro it halfway up a light stand or whatever.Build quality is awesome, with high quality metal and plastic - the battery attachment is super secure too, with the ability to easily hand-hold the light, using the battery as a grip. This can be extremely useful, making it possible to carry a 100w light on a mobile shoot with no power. Super sick. The grip is comfortable to hold, and the battery has some capacity indicators on it to let you know how much is left.The mount for the X100 is alright, with two 1/4-20 bolt holes at the bottom, allowing you to mount it to any normal tripod, or with a small ballhead. In this package configuration, you also receive the bowens adapter, which I use on my light stand with a big 32 inch neewer softbox. This adapter works, but the angle actuation feels pretty bad and it can be kind of hard to slot it into a precise position and tighten it enough to hold a large softbox in place. The adapter is also mostly plastic, which is not super confidence inspiring.The dials to control the light are awesome, but it can be pretty hard to tell which one is which, when its up high on a light stand. Additionally, when it's high on a light stand and pointed down, it can be hard to see the screen to see what brightness % you're at or what color temperature you're using. However, you could always use a step ladder or set these before.To carry this thing around, you get an awesome softcase with lots of padding. The G60's come in the same case, but with different foam cuts. If you try hard enough, you can also fit in the bowens adapter and the mini softbox, but it's definitely a squeeze.Overall, I've loved using this thing and the fact that it replaces a huge 60w light with its tiny size, and the fact that it's easily transportable and usable without a power source, makes it a no-brainer. As a side note, the fan is incredibly quiet and you can really only hear it if its dead silent in your studio, and you're using a high light brightness. That being said, using 100w of light is not super common for me in my space, 100w is BRIGHT!

Dean Burns

What a great kit! The build quality is fantastic and the output is fantastic. So far, I've only needed to push to 35-45% as a fill light for outside photos with the soft box on board. Battery life is also very good. Mine came with about 70% charge. I topped it up and after several uses, I still haven't had to charge it again. I'm sure the Bowen's mount will be useful at some point, but right now I'm just using it hand-held. The battery acts as the grip and provides great purchase for the unit. I really like this light. Highly recommended

Fredy Saenz

I've used many continuous lighting systems throughout the years. This one stands out as it is the most compact one I've ever used. Despite its small form factor, it is able to deliver 100W of power.I find this incredibly impressive. And yes, there is a bunch of warning stickers on the initial unboxing of this light but it is well worth it to peel all those stickers off (it's satisfying).I do recommend this if you're looking to pack some serious punch in a very small form factor and if you have a wallet thick enough. It really is worth it.